Body Food Weight

Jul 10, 20204 min

Calorie Counting for a Balanced Nutrition

choosing your food with care and responsibility for your health

If you ever tried to use a calorie counting app you might have get into that frustrating moment when the database was not stretching enough, though it may have had many food choices and many food brands. Some items might have been close but not close enough what you actually eat and introducing every ingredient was causing a lot of trouble. Another major setback you may have noticed was the unavailability of Cooked Meals.

While counting Kcal using available solutions, you have a feeling of empty data recording and meaningless information storing. The only interpretation key was the share of the consumed proteins, carbohydrates, fats. You don’t know if what you eat is good or bad.

Knowledge !

Calorie Counting has one purpose: KNOWLEDGE. We all assume to know ourselves well enough but we are most of the times just guessing this is why there is a need for such an app. There is no other way to know what you eat other than measuring and tracking.


Most of us use this diet trackers in order to loose weight. But tracking is not enough to loose weight! - ACTING BASED ON GATHERED INFORMATION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS. The goal is to:

· stop eating when you reach the kcal target

· replacing high calorie food with less calorie food

· increasing fibre intake

· improving the quality of the nutrients

If you do this all of this - the tracking is purposeful as it is the way to a healthier way of eating.

KCAL source

If you are concerned about nutrition than you should know WHAT you eat.

When you focus on the carbohydrates, protein and fat - you might be on a misleading path. It sounds scientific, but you do not have any real benefits from this division. Is it giving you any information about the quality of your nutrition? The source of your food, can tell you more about the quality of what you put into your body. For instance: fat it is not good or bad. But getting the fat out of raw seed is far healthier than drinking oil.

So we thought to look at food as people usually do - in FOOD GROUPS.

We consider far more important knowing where the calories came from. This is what we would like our users to understand. So our app is a first step of bringing more awareness on what we consume and toward learning about the grate variety and abundance of possibilities within every food group.

Balance the KCAL SOURCE

Food groups are the way you will find food grouped in the grocery store and in our Body Food Weight mobile App as well. We believe that a balanced grocery list will lead to - a balanced storeroom and a balanced nutrients supply for your body.

After a few days of using the app, you may be asking yourself: ... is it possible to have so many Calories from "meat, diary, sweets, bread, sweets, alcohol" (usually is one of thisJ) and so little form "fruits, vegetable and seeds"? ….Nutrition health issues are linked with insufficient consumption of cereals, beans, vegetables, raw vegetables, fruits, seeds. Balancing the source of calories is an easy way of understanding the quality of your nutrition.

Too many Kcal from added oils, meat, dairy, sweets, alcohol compared with Kcal from seeds, cereals, vegetables is unhealthy!


The knowledge should be the source of your actions! So start simple: fibre intake.

Addressing this one aspect, has major beneficial implication. Taking sufficient fibre (not fibre supplements!) will implicitly improve the quality of your nutrition in general.

Fibre intake level is an indicator for our nutrition quality as well as an indicator of the potentially beneficial ingredients running through our body. More fibre equals better potential general health.

All of us face the risk of diseases regardless of how we eat or how well we live but the probability of developing a disease is highly reduced consuming consistently whole grains, vegetables, legume, fruits, seeds.

40% PLANTS - 60% OTHER will provide the MINIMUM amount of fibre intake

We should consume 25-30gr./day of fibre. The majority of us usually consume only half of it.

Knowing your plant base calories intake share is by far one of the easiest ways to measure the HEALTH OF YOUR DIET. Minimum fibre intake, based on our calculation may be reached consuming 40% plant-based Kcal. As fibre is available only in plants it is obvious that everybody should have this minimum amount of plants in their diets.

This is how the Body Food Wight App users will get a better balanced nutrition and the calorie counting will be meaningful. Nutrition is such a complex field that it can be unclear where to begin with but, things become more clear if you start focusing on this one aspect.

Calories counting should be a way of improving the quality of nutrition. So more important than counting is including in our diets the food groups that are excluded from our meals: which for the vast majority of us means vegetables and fruits.


For calorie tracking you need a solution that does not consume to much of your time. In fact is should consume as little as possible. Counting in groups takes much less than measuring items individually.

Using Body Food Weight mobile App counting time is literally 2 minutes per day. All elements in one group are weighted all together. A raw vegetable salad may be measured without worrying individually about every ingredient.

If you are, hopefully, the kind of person that cooks his own food, you know that there are many ingredients from various food categories that go into one mix. Using the "Food Mix" section you can easily convert cooked food into calories that will automatically go to the correct food category. Stored recipes may be reused as many times as you want. You just need to measure the total amount of your favourite "food mix" = "cooked food" and Body Food Weight mobile App will distribute the calories automatically into the right food group, reducing considerably the counting time.
